The O-Shot®
Read one of our patient’s own review of her experience with the O!
What is the O-Shot?
The O-Shot is a PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) injection into several places in the vagina, to help stimulate new tissue growth and firm and repair existing tissue. The treatment includes drawing the patient’s own blood, spinning it to separate the plasma, and injecting that plasma into the vagina. The areas are numbed, and most patients experience little discomfort.
How Long Does the O-Shot® Last?
The O-Shot® lasts for 9-12 months.
Does the O-Shot® Hurt?
Worried about pain? Don’t stress! We will make sure you are nice and numb, using our prescription numbing cream as well as lidocaine injections. Some people feel a little burn when the PRP is going into the tissue, but it’s so fast and over in no-time!
Is There Any Downtime or Recovery After This Treatment?
Most patients feel a little tenderness at the injection sites for the first 24 hours or so, followed by a temporary heightening of sensitivity for a day or 2. We recommend avoiding intercourse for 5-7 days after your O-Shot®.
How Much Does the O-Shot® Cost?
The O-Shot® is $1200.
How Long Will My Appointment Take?
The O-Shot® itself is very fast and only takes about 10 minutes, but your appointment will last about 45 minutes. We will get you numbing, draw your blood, spin the blood to separate the plasma, and then inject.
Is There Any Prep For This Treatment?
Make sure you are hydrated and wearing comfortable clothing for your appointment. Hydrated veins are easier to draw blood from, and we want to make sure you are comfortable during your appointment and afterwards!
Who performs this treatment at Beauty Lab + Laser?
Alyson Chatelain NP, Chantel Duffey NP, and Regan Brooks PA perform the O-Shot® and are certified O-Shot® providers.