Jaci Sessions | Master Esthetician | Beauty Lab + Laser in Murray & Riverton, UT

Master Esthetician

Jaci is a Master Esthetician, former cheer coach, devoted military wife, and hair…

Master Esthetician

Brooklynn joined our team in 2023, and yes, we’ll say it again- a BeautyLabber by association…

Master Esthetician

Lauren joined us in 2023 and being an instagram bestie with Allie C, she already had a foot in the door!

Master Esthetician

We are starting to sound repetitive here, but the truth is, TeamBLL knows what’s up.  Shelby and Micah brought Dallas’s resume to the top of the pile, and they were right.

Raven Johnson

Medical Assistant, Front Desk

Raven was a BeautyLabber before she became an employee in 2020. We like to pull…

Parker Barlocker

Medical Assistant, Front Desk

If you threw Parker into a turbulent icy ocean he would come up swimming, smiling, and saving lives-This is important because it’s what we do at beauty lab every day

Medical Assistant, Front Desk

Elsha is Dre’s Daughter and don’t worry we won’t ever forget to give her and Ashley credit for bringing #Dreather together. Follow her on instagram @elsha.bll


Medical Assistant, Front Desk

Ashley is Heather’s Daughter and don’t worry we won’t ever forget to give her and Elsha credit for bringing #Dreather together. Follow her on instagram @asherrose

Georgia Gay | Medical Assistant | Beauty Lab + Laser in Murray & Riverton, UT

Medical Assistant, Front Desk

We are a family here at BLL, so it makes sense that we would force our own children to be our employees. Throw another Gay on the pile,

Medical Assistant, Front Desk

Madison joined us in 2023, and immediately won us over with her So-Cal vibe. Cool as a…